
The 2020 IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots was originally planned for December 2020 in Munich, Germany. Due to the worldwide Corona pandemic Humanoids 2020 finally was held as a virtual event from July 19 to July 21, 2021.

Humanoids 2020 is closed. We hope you had a successful and enjoyable event.

All the data in the Virtual Event Center (proceedings, digest, posters, …) will stay available until 3 month after the conference. If you missed some talks, pre-recorded talks are available in the Video Gallery as well as directly in the session.

See you again at Humanoids 2022!

The conference proceedings are now available on IEEEXplore!



New: A preview of the robots which will be demonstrated in onsite live demos (confirmed list is being updated regularly):


Social Media: Updates about the conference will be regularly published on Twitter. Feel free to follow us on TWITTER (@HumanoidsConf). Please use the #Humanoids2020 for all your tweets related to the conference.




Conference GOLD sponsor


Conference BRONZE sponsor


Conference sponsor



Accessibility statement